Te Komititanga
2023 - 2024
- City Centre
- In Progress
Te Komititanga is the front door to the City Centre.
Outside Waitematā (Britomart) station, with easy connections to Queen's Wharf, Te Komititanga is now a place for all people to enjoy as Eke Panuku brings it to life through activations, events and place management.

Eke Panuku are leading the management of Te Komititanga following a successful placemaking pilot which enabled us to learn more about the unique opportunities and challenges of the space.
Our priority is getting the basics right, ensuring everyone’s experience in Te Komititanga is of a vibrant, safe, clean, and well run pubic space.
Using our placemaking skills, honed over many years in Wynyard Quarter, we are curating and creating interesting events and activities that area a good fit for the space and see the space loved and used by everyone.
Our aim is to create interesting and appropriate diversions that will catch people’s attention and see the space loved and used by visitors and locals who live and work nearby.
We will ensure the space continues to function well and that it continues to be vibrant, safe and clean.
Te Komititanga placemaking is led by Eke Panuku and run in collaboration with Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.