Stadium Reserve upgrade
26 June 2023 - TBC
- Old Papatoetoe
- In Progress
Old Papatoetoe's central green space is being upgraded to cater for a growing and diverse community. Everyone’s invited!
Approved by the board in March 2022, the Old Papatoetoe Masterplan reflects the community feedback Eke Panuku collected during public consultation in 2021. This includes the upgrade of Stadium Reserve.

At the moment, Stadium Reserve provides limited opportunities for recreation, is poorly configured and has low visitor numbers. The revitalisation aims to create a safe, attractive residential area and civic space that meets the needs of a growing population.
“Auckland is growing, and Papatoetoe is no different, with people recognising its advantages...”
Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board chair
Apulu Reece Autagavaia
The proposed upgrade to Stadium Reserve was designed in consultation with Mana Whenua and key stakeholders, and aims to:
- Provide new facilities, including a new playground and basketball half court
- Provide social gathering spaces and a recreational heart for Old Papatoetoe
- Offer pedestrians and cyclists new pathways through the reserve to encourage active transport and provide a direct and safe route between Papatoetoe and Puhinui train stations
- Retain significant trees and add more trees and shrubs
- New lighting to improve safety
- Improve stormwater management
- Retain a public recreation space with a green canopy for future generations.
The concept design for the upgrade can be seen below:
Through the design process, Mana Whenua provided the narrative ‘The Mists of Kohuora,’ which shaped the playground design. This narrative is reflected in the undulating mounds within the play area, as well as the rich volcanic colour palette used in the cushion-fall areas. Additionally, a swale weaves through the play area, featuring user-activated ‘misters’ that serve both as water play elements and acknowledges the area’s naturally misty landscape.
Next steps
We have lodged resource consent with Auckland Council and are aiming to begin construction in early 2025. We expect construction to take approximately 12 months.