Urban regeneration on land along the route of the Eastern Busway

2023 - TBC

  • In Progress

A regeneration programme for the Eastern Busway.

Eke Panuku is leading a programme of urban regeneration in neighbourhoods along the route of the Eastern Busway between Pakūranga and Burswood.

About the urban regeneration project

Eke Panuku is looking at ways to create high-quality, environmentally friendly, residential and commercial development in areas neighbouring the Eastern Busway. The opportunities are focused on land in easy walking distance to the new bus stations at Pakūranga, on Tī Rākau Drive, and at Burswood, so more people can live and work in areas close to public transport.

The work we will do will support and stimulate East Auckland’s economy, provide more housing options, enable sustainable city growth, and help create amazing places. It will also maximise council’s investment in the busway.


About the Eastern Busway

The Eastern Busway will connect Panmure, Pakūranga, Burswood and Botany through a dedicated busway, with adjoining cycling and walkway facilities. The busway is being delivered by the Eastern Busway Alliance, a partnership between Auckland Transport and four other companies. The Alliance is responsible for designing, consenting, and building the busway. You can find out more about the busway on the Eastern Busway project website.

Tī Rākau Image

Artist impression of an Eastern Busway station on Tī Rākau Drive, Pakūranga.


Illustration of indicative development opportunity at Pakūranga.

Where Eke Panuku will work and what we will do?

The section of the Eastern Busway between Panmure and Pakūranga is complete and opened in 2021. Eke Panuku is already working in Panmure, where we are delivering urban regeneration in connection with the improvements to bus and train services. The work proposed to be done by Eke Panuku is in neighbourhoods along the section of the busway between Pakūranga and Burswood.

A Strategic Regeneration Overview produced by Eke Panuku outlines our vision and strategy for urban regeneration in these neighbourhoods. 

A summary of the project is here.

We have started by investigating development opportunities at Pakūranga. The main opportunity here is for mixed-use development on the land surrounding Pakūranga Plaza, integrating the future Pakūranga Station. The aim is to help make the area a more vibrant destination as envisioned by the Pakūranga Town Centre Masterplan 2015.

In addition, Eke Panuku is exploring development opportunities for the land along Tī Rākau Drive acquired for the Eastern Busway that will be no longer needed for transport purposes after the busway construction is complete. 

This may also be supplemented by some strategic property purchases, to enable high quality urban renewal.

It is too early to say what future development may look like, but it is likely to involve construction of medium to high density residential buildings, alongside retail and commercial premises where these make sense. 

We will work with our mana whenua partners and the Howick Local Board throughout the delivery of the programme.

The regeneration programme is likely to take a number of years. It’s a complex process that includes property transactions, development planning, design, consenting and construction.

Find out more about how Eke Panuku helps to regenerate our city elsewhere on our website.

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