Visit the home of Zero Waste in Northcote

11 August 2022

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Get ready to be greener

A new centre for para kore (zero-waste) living is helping Northcote residents to live greener lives and do their bit in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland reaching its ‘Zero Waste by 2040’ goal.

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“For me, zero waste is a journey, and we are all joining in at different places and stages”

Zero Waste Activator
Robyn Forryan

Get ready to be  greener

The Zero Waste Hub at 28 Pearn Place in the Northcote town centre (open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am - 2pm), assists local residents to reuse and recycle through workshops and activities. We’re working with the Kaipātiki Local Board, Auckland Council and Kaipātiki Project to facilitate this mahi as part of the Northcote Zero Waste Action Plan.

The para kore (zero-waste) mission is to:

  • reduce landfill usage and illegal dumping by advising the community on how best to reuse, recycle and upcycle
  • bring the Northcote community together through enjoyable social connections and opportunities for community initiatives
  • strengthen collaboration and community pride throughout the neighbourhood
  • develop and implement strategies that best support Northcote’s diverse communities to reduce waste
  • make everyone aware how easy it is to minimise waste
  • grow a thriving network of local zero-waste heroes.

Zero Waste Activator Robyn Forryan is known throughout Northcote for her passion for environmental matters, and as a teacher is the ideal person to have as the face of the Zero Waste Hub in Northcote.

“For me, zero waste is a journey, and we are all joining in at different places and stages,” said Robyn. “What we hope to offer is some support and guidance for anyone and everyone's boarding point and destination.”

Introducing Northcote's Zero Waste Hub

Items we take

Hub activities

Bring your own and take it home

Become a Volunteer

With the region-wide mission to makeTāmaki Makaurau zero-waste by 2040, this mahi is of huge importance. Aucklanders send over 1.6 million tonnes of waste to landfill every year, and the Northcote Zero Waste Action Plan aims to help address this in Northcote.

Eke Panuku Priority Location Director Kate Cumberpatch, said: “Looking ahead for Northcote, facilitating a low-carbon town centre as part of our regeneration plans is key for building a strong community where the natural environment is protected and restored for future generations to enjoy.

“We couldn’t be prouder of the way the hub is serving the local community through education and support. This work is only possible due to the collaboration between organisations and a community dedicated to raising awareness and taking action to implement zero waste processes.

“Other environmental initiatives in Northcote have seen us – along with mana whenua, Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters team, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities and the Kaipātiki Local Board – create the award-winning Te Ara Awataha, a 1.5km network of reserves that is set to give Northcote a thriving greenway.”

The ongoing environmental work in Northcote is aided by Take Mauri Take Hono, a cultural and environmental assessment tool created by mana whenua. This resource was developed to support mana whenua’s aspirations to improve the vitality and mauri (life force) of the area. The tool establishes social and environmental baselines and indicators of success, one of which relates to para kore (zero waste). The Zero Waste initiative emerged as a result of this tool and mana whenua guidance and advocacy for an uplift in mauri in Northcote.

Be sure to stop by Northcote’s Zero Waste Hub at 28 Pearn Place (open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am - 2pm) to find out how you can live the zero-waste life. Click here to see a list of items that you’re encouraged to drop off for recycling.

Learn more about Kaipātiki Project at

About the Zero Waste Action Plan

The Zero Waste Action Plan 2019-24 is a cross-organisational collaboration by Auckland Council, Eke Panuku and Kaipātiki Project.

As Northcote evolves, we all have a role in creating and living in a better future that is zero waste. The plan supports residents and businesses in the Northcote area through upcycling and reuse initiatives that could develop into social enterprises and small businesses.

It outlines activities to be implemented across five workstreams by lead agencies between 2019-2024, with a focus on community empowerment and activation, food systems, development planning and de-construction.

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