Urban eco-centre vision takes shape
06 July 2017
- Henderson
- News
Panuku has shared initial concept designs for the first two regeneration projects and public initiatives on Henderson’s journey to become an urban eco-centre with key stakeholders including mana whenua and the local board.
This targeted engagement upholds the principle of including these groups as much as possible in the early stages of planning to ensure unified support for the long-term outcomes of the project.
Project Director Richard Davison says ultimately, Panuku is keen for the local community to see the connection between the vision and the outcomes for their local area.
This includes Henderson’s goal of becoming a demonstration walking and cycling neighbourhood and celebrating the link between the centre’s Twin Streams and enhancement of its twin parks.
The first two development sites at 21-33 and 2-4 Henderson Valley Road, combined offer almost 29,000sqm of vacant or under-utilised land in the centre of this growing west Auckland hub.
“Following stakeholder feedback, we’ll progress the draft designs as well as our thinking around some of the more technical aspects which will inform the direction of these sites,” says Mr Davison.
“We look forward to being able to share these designs with the local community in due course. In the coming months we will be preparing the first two sites to go to market in the hopes of attracting suitable development partners and catalysing future high quality living opportunities in Henderson.”
“We look forward to being able to share these designs with the local community in due course."
Project Director
Richard Davison