Weed removal on Ta Ara Awataha

02 September 2024

  • Northcote
  • News
  • Sustainability

Unfortunately, the storms in early 2023 washed away many new plants and with our dry summer, the weeds have flourished.

So, we’re being taking action. The unsightly weeds will be removed and replaced with new plants - to make this section look great again and encourage more diversity of flora and fauna.

KO Schools Edge People Weeding

Let the make-over begin!

Despite everyone’s best efforts, the weeds have taken over!

We’re talking about a section of Te Ara Awataha – Northcote’s new greenway – called Ngutu Kōtare (formerly schools edge). It’s at the back of Northcote Intermediate School and Onepoto Primary School.

Unfortunately, the storms in early 2023 washed away many new plants and with our dry summer, the weeds have flourished. 

So, we’re being taking action. The unsightly weeds will be removed and replaced with new plants - to make this section look great again and encourage more diversity of flora and fauna.

Getting rid of the weeds

To get rid of the persistent, hard to remove weeds, there will be minimal and targeted use of chemical spray, along with hand weeding, to bring this section of Te Ara Awataha back to the standard we all want. 

A trusted ecological contractor will complete the work, taking the necessary safety measures and following the recommended guidelines. We know chemical spraying isn’t ideal, but after we explored all other options, this is the most cost-effective and practical way to remove the weeds and allow the makeover to begin this growing season. 

Spraying is due to take place from Monday 2 September 2024. Once completed, the replanting will start.

The new plants will be given lots of love over the next few years, so they have the best possible start to life.

KO Aerial Schools Edge Image

Images courtesy of Kainga Ora

About Te Ara Awataha

Te Ara Awataha follows the path of the Awataha Stream and is a much loved as a local asset. It’s also vital for managing stormwater and preventing flooding. 

Te Ara Awataha is a collaborative project, with many parties working together to bring the greenway to life and maintain its health and stormwater functionality. This includes: Kāinga Ora, Auckland Council, Healthy Waters, mana whenua, Kaipātiki Project, Kaipātiki Local Board, the community, and us. 

Find out more about Te Ara Awataha here.

Get involved and support Te Ara Awataha

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, to help Te Ara Awataha thrive – see here for details.