Te Ara Awataha 2020 Update
21 December 2020
- Northcote
- Blog
Progress on Te Ara Awataha – a greenway for Northcote – has been good this year, despite the disruptions brought by COVID-19.
Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve achieved.

Progress on Te Ara Awataha – a greenway for Northcote – has been good this year, despite the disruptions brought by COVID-19. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve achieved.
February 2020
Construction on Greenslade Reserve commenced to transform the reserve into an attractive new public space with:
- a high-performance sports field
- an improved stormwater network underneath to service the Northcote area
- a flourishing urban wetland
- recreation facilities, including terraced seating, a BBQ area and a new walkway.
The work is being led by Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters.
May 2020
Panuku Development Auckland and Healthy Waters acquired a parcel of Ministry of Education land at 31 Fraser Avenue and 145-157 Lake Road for the school’s edge portion of the greenway.
The 9980sqm sloping, unusable site (about the size of a rugby field) formed part of Northcote Intermediate School and Onepoto Primary School.
Kate Cumberpa
“This unloved, underused site will become a focal point of the new greenway at the schools’ edge. It will be revived as an outdoor classroom for the adjoining schools with a learning deck and terraced seating that will provide an open-air learning space for students.”
September 2020
Greenslade Reserve entered stage two works. This work involves the lowering of the existing sports field and the replacement of underground stormwater pipes to reduce the risk of flooding in and around the town centre.
In September the entire reserve was closed to begin earthworks to lower the field. The construction team from Piritahi has been digging up stormwater pipes to install bigger ones. This will enable more capacity by reducing pressure on the network with the incoming new housing development. Construction of the wetland is almost finished. This will restore natural ecosystems by encouraging new natural habitats in the wetland and connect the community to nature.
Despite challenges created by this year’s lockdowns, the project is tracking well. Work is expected to be completed and Greenslade Reserve will be reopened to the public in winter 2021.
Ongoing progress
- Work continued on the restoration of Jessie Tonar Scout Reserve, the source of the Awataha Stream.
- The community-led restorations days, delivered by Kaipātiki Project on behalf of Panuku, recommenced following the first nationwide lockdown. July was the largest attended yet with over 200 plants put into the ground.
- The greenway project teams have continued to collaborate with mana whenua and their mandated artists to integrate cultural design and narratives across the greenway project.
- A signage and wayfinding strategy got underway for Te Ara Awataha. Panuku is working with Auckland Transport and Auckland Council, mana whenua artists, mana whenua, and the Kaipātiki Local Board to further develop and refine the strategy which will ensure a coordinated and integrated approach to signage across Te Ara Awataha.
- As part of an ongoing Zero waste / Para Kore Northcote project, Te Ara Awataha is exploring ways to reduce waste through its design and construction.
“Since the restoration commenced, an increasing variety of birds have been observed at the reserve including tuī, kererū, kotare and tauhou as well as familiar introduced species. The first sightings of kākā in over 30 years, and the first tuna (eel) speaks to the value of native wildlife restoration in the area.”