Street design in Wynyard Quarter
07 November 2019
- Wynyard Quarter
- News
We were invited by the National Association of City Transportation Officials
- a group of transport officials from the United States, to take part in a global webinar with a case study featuring street design in Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter.
We filmed some of our expert team talking about this 30 year regeneration – making the waterfront a place for people. In this video they talk about the successes, challenges and learnings from their experience planning and delivering the first stages of Wynyard Quarter. The video describes how the street design supports our goal of a 70:30 modal split - this means that 70% of all peak hour travel into and around Wynyard Quarter is made by public transport, cycling, walking and carpooling by 2030, and no more than 30% of trips by private vehicles.
They talk about how strategic planning, design and engagement with mana whenua has enabled us to create streets that encourage people to walk and cycle with slow vehicle speeds, raingardens that provide shade and shelter but also treat stormwater run-off, and a retail strategy that activates the ground levels of developments.