Panuku and Franklin Board celebrate the Pukekohe Show
21 February 2020
- Pukekohe
- News
Panuku Development Auckland and the Franklin Local Board enjoyed celebrating the Pukekohe Show with the local community last weekend, over two eventful days.
The Pukekohe Show included rural competitions, showcasing both local and national talent who participate in events including the Franklin Young Farmers competition.

From equestrian trials, livestock competitions and wood chopping to vintage machinery and pony rides, there was something to capture the imagination of kids of all ages.
The Panuku team enjoyed sharing their vision for the town centre with locals and families at the local board’s marquee.
Children had the opportunity to snap selfies with cartoon animals and play-farm, while others learnt about the eight key moves for future proofing Pukekohe town centre.
These key moves are designed to retain urban prosperity in the town centre so it is competitive, safe, walkable and vibrant, with better access to employment, education and healthcare.
Panuku’s Richard Davison, Priority Location Director South says:
“The Pukekohe Show gave us the opportunity to engage with people, gather valuable insights and receive constructive feedback that will ultimately help us shape and tailor our plans around community needs. It is also a great opportunity for us to tell our stories of who we are [and to promote] our unique approach to urban regeneration.”
Local Board Chairman Andy Baker was MC and provided enough energy and humour to last the 2 days of celebrations. Andy says:
“With the opportunities coming for Pukekohe to set itself up for future generations and to retain its status as the focal point for the wider traditional Franklin area, having Panuku there alongside the Franklin Local Board to discuss what is possible, why and to listen to the thoughts of our locals was a success, with some great conversations and ideas being shared.”
The Pukekohe Show is run by the Franklin A&P society, which is the non-for-profit committee that owns and operate the showgrounds year-round. It is a highlight in the Counties calendar to shows off the beautiful talents of Pukekohe’s community.