New SeaLink development to start construction
12 April 2023
- Wynyard Quarter
- News
- Development
Wynyard Quarter has a long maritime history, and the marine industry continues to be a mainstay for the next chapter of development in the area.
SeaLink has played an important part in the maritime story for Wynyard Quarter. Going on 13 years of operations from this corner of the waterfront, they’re an integral connection between Auckland City and the surrounding Gulf Islands including Waiheke and Great Barrier Island.

To anchor SeaLink in Wynyard Quarter more permanently, an 80 year lease on their current site at 44-56 Hamer Street was signed in July 2022. This long-term leasehold agreement has enabled SeaLink to progress with their plans to build a new terminal and office building on site.
SeaLink has partnered with Architectus to design their new development and after working through the design process with Eke Panuku, mana whenua and the independent Technical Advisory Group, the final design has since received resource and building consent and is ready to construct.
A blessing of the site was led by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei on the morning of 12 April, with an attendance of around 45 people. The group was made up of stakeholders and staff that have a connection to SeaLink and their development, including Waiheke and Waitematā Local Board Members.
For Eke Panuku the development meets the objectives of the 2012 Waterfront Plan and delivers on the goal of a smart working waterfront.
Chief Operating Officer at Eke Panuku, Ian Wheeler recounted the importance of the waterfront goals in his speech on the morning of the blessing. “The elements of a smart working waterfront contribute to Auckland’s distinctive, authentic, gritty, and unique waterfront environment. SeaLink having a home here is important to the future of Wynyard Quarter. They bring people to the area and contribute to the strong maritime character of the place.”
The new terminal building will support SeaLinks operations and includes a new head office. Within the design of the building, SeaLink has worked with mana whenua appointed artists Maaka Potini and Ted Ngataki (Ngāti Tamaoho) to integrate a cultural narrative into the building that references navigational themes and ties in with the service SeaLink provides.
In line with the sustainability requirements for new builds in Wynyard Quarter, SeaLink is striving for gold standard. Sustainable elements incorporated in their development include:
- End of trip facilities to support active modes of transport for employees
- Solar panels to generate power for building use
- External sun shading screen to keep the building cool inside
- Highly insulated building to reduce the need for heating
- Shallow floorplate to allow more natural light through windows, which lowers the demand for electrical lighting
- Low carbon concrete used for the structure
Starting construction from April 2023, SeaLink expect for their new development to be complete by July 2024. Once complete, there will be an appropriate blessing and ceremony organised to signify the milestone.