Another step for Avondale Library and Community Centre
03 September 2019
- Avondale
- News
Plans for the new $21 million Avondale multipurpose community facility have taken another step forward following completion of the project vision and design brief.
Following extensive community consultation earlier in the year, the project vision, which informs the requirements of the design brief, has now been approved by Whau Local Board.

There were two phases of community engagement to inform the vision and design brief, building on previous community feedback, and testing service and spatial requirements.
Consultation received more than 1860 comments, ideas and suggestions.
The design brief outlines the spaces that are required to meet the vision, key provisions and engagement themes.
They are categorised as public realm (particularly the town square but also including the new laneway and Great North Road interface), arrival and multi-purpose community spaces. There are also back-of-house spaces such as staff workrooms and building services.
Whau Local Board Chair, Tracy Mulholland says that the significant community input means the community can be confident that the facility will be designed with its needs and requirements in mind.
The next step will be to engage a design team, with concept work scheduled to begin in late 2019 and further community consultation to take place once the concepts have been designed.
The project, announced earlier in the year, is part of Panuku Development Auckland’s Unlock Avondale programme. Panuku has identified Avondale as an area of huge opportunity and is leading its regeneration over the next 15 years on behalf of Auckland Council.
Construction of the new facility will be part-funded through the sale of the current library and community centre site, with proceeds from the sale ring-fenced for the new multipurpose facility including additional land.
The project vision is to:
- create a new heart for Avondale that integrates a new community facility, town square and open space which reflects Avondale’s unique identity
- encourage and enable community ownership and activation
- support community delivery of responsive programmes, services and activities
- create a vibrant hub for Avondale which integrates community, library and light recreation uses in a flexible, multipurpose development
- create a place which activates and complements the Avondale town centre
- celebrate the significance of mana whenua, local and wider, cultural landscapes.