Airfields at Hobsonville Point stage one starts
09 May 2017
- Hobsonville Point, The Airfields
- News
Developer AV Jennings rolled out the special spade to mark the start of construction of the first of 102 standalone and terrace homes being built by GJ Gardener on stage one of Panuku Development Auckland’s Airfields at Hobsonville site.
On site to inspect progress, Upper Harbour Local Board Chair Lisa Whyte said it was great to meet the team working to deliver more high quality, high amenity homes at Hobsonville Point.

“The location is stunning and the housing options will cater for people at all ages and stages of life keen to join the growing, diverse and vibrant community.”
Panuku Chief Executive Roger MacDonald said it was good to see the beginnings of hundreds more quality homes within the Airfields precinct come to fruition and help ease Auckland’s housing shortage.