Hobsonville Point
The Airfields development is turning 20 hectares of land in the heart of Hobsonville Point into new housing.
Where planes once roared from the runway, it’s new housing lifting off at the Airfields in Hobsonville Point, along with all the well-planned foundations of a thriving community.
Hobsonville Point, the Airfields
Where planes once roared from the runway, new housing has taken off at the Airfields in Hobsonville Point.
Twenty hectares of land previously owned by Auckland Council is transforming the heart of Hobsonville Point into new housing, including affordable homes.
It’s part of a masterplan for the area. New housing is perfectly positioned among parks and roads, new schools and community facilities, local workplaces, and public transport to Auckland’s city centre.
People living at the Airfields are only a short drive away from local shops, restaurants, bars and cafes, with easy access to the water and Upper Harbour’s coastal walks nearby.
Eke Panuku has worked closely with our development partners to provide essential housing for Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s fast-growing population. The Airfields will add around 800 new houses to the region’s supply, and 10 percent of these will be affordable homes.
The Airfields area

Hobsonville Point is a peninsula in the northern waters of the Waitematā Harbour, a 20-minute drive northwest of Auckland's city centre. The development of a master-planned community, overseen by Kāinga Ora is rapidly emerging, and will ultimately contribute 4,500 homes and a population of about 11,000.
The Airfields was formerly part of the Hobsonville air force base. It was divided into six ‘megalot’ sections and the early development lots have already created a contemporary neighbourhood. About 14 hectares of the 20 hectares is being developed into homes and different housing types offering choice and diversity to this expanding community. Up to six hectares of the land is for mixed-uses and will contribute employment opportunities.
The Airfields masterplan
The masterplan for the wider Hobsonville Point promotes development that fosters a sense of community and also makes it easier for people to connect. Neighbourhoods are designed to be safe and easy to walk or cycle around.
The Airfields has been designed to fit this wider masterplan. The six megalot sections will each contribute approximately 800 new homes.
Stage one
The stage one footprint of 102 dwellings was completed before 2022. This development of homes across 1.95 hectares of land borders the Catalina Bay area. Read about the first home on the Airfields, completed in December 2017.
Stage two
By the end of 2023, 200 of the planned 500 new homes will have been built, spread over three megalots. This is the second stage of development at the Airfields, where new homes were awarded a 6 Homestar rating using a customised checklist.
Eke Panuku worked with the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) and Auckland Council to create the checklist which has helped to ensure that homes at The Airfields are built to a high standard.
The Avanda Group design received this rating from NZGBC, which certifies them as healthy, sustainable homes. Features include good energy efficiency, ventilation, moisture control and insulation.
- Find out more about the Homestar rating and checklist.
- Find out more about the role of Top Garden Property Development (Avanda Group) with Eke Panuku starting back in February 2017.
Stage three
The Ministry of Education’s new school site adds further heart to this recently established community. And while this is a fast-growing part of Auckland, the design of the streets, paths, parks and reserves around modern homes means that local children will be able to safely walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Our focus for the remaining land in Hobsonville is to support mixed-use development, combining commercial, retail, community and residential elements. The speed of progress is contingent on market demand and feasibility.
Read more about the work we do in urban regeneration and sales from the property portfolio we manage on behalf of Auckland Council.
Projects in Hobsonville Point, The Airfields

- Hobsonville Point, The Airfields
- In Progress
- Development