Aaron Hockly
Eke Panuku Director
Aaron Hockly has over 20 years’ experience in financial services, property and law and currently heads up the NZX-listed, Vital Healthcare Property Trust, which owns hospitals and other healthcare facilities across New Zealand and Australia valued at ~$3.2 billion. Originally from New Zealand, Aaron spent 17 years in the UK and Australia until returning in 2018. He was Chief Operating Officer for a large ASX listed property group for ~10 years where he was responsible for strategy, major transactions and investor relations.
Among other qualifications, Aaron has a Masters in Applied Finance and a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Auckland. He is a Fellow of both Governance New Zealand and the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA), a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors (NZ) and a member of INFINZ.
Aaron has served on the boards of several charities in both New Zealand and Australia and is currently a member of the Auckland Urban Design Panel.