Mana whenua input into the infrastructure works for the 2021 America’s Cup

06 August 2021

  • Wynyard Quarter
  • Mana Whenua

Eke Panuku has facilitated input from mana whenua into the infrastructure works for the 2021 America’s Cup.

Leaving a legacy

During the early stages of the project, mana whenua provided extensive input into the management plans that govern the construction procedures, mana whenua put forward employees to undertake construction works, and mana whenua lead cultural induction for employees, and lead cultural ceremonies before the start of construction.

Throughout the project, mana whenua focussed on areas that had the potential to affect cultural values and interests including managing water quality, mitigating underwater noise to protect marine animals and protecting Te Waitematā from biosecurity risks.

Providing cultural markers within the infrastructure that recognise the historical associations of mana whenua with the whenua (land) and moana (sea) and enabling the use of infrastructure for cultural activities has not only acknowledged the role of mana whenua but will leave a legacy for generations to come.

“If the environment is safe and healthy, the health of the people will be as well. The America’s Cup has provided the catalyst to improve our taiao (environment) and make this place better for the future and we hope this is only the start.”